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Friday, March 4, 2011

Pumping - How Long The Best?

Exclusive Pumping - The Best Expressed For U...
Ada rakan-rakan yang bertanya berapa lamakah masa yang sesuai dan diperlukan untuk mengepam. Most experts agree whatever reason for pumping, ibu mesti mengepam dalam masa 20 minit. Kebanyakkan yang berpengalaman bersetuju masa terbaik mengepam sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit dan ini bagi mengelakkan mengepam berterusan melebihi 20 minit bagi 1 sesi.

The Standard advice is to pump for 15 - 20 minutes. Even if you don't have milk flowing that entire time, you need to pump that long to get enough nipple stimulation. Also pumping at least 5 minutes after your milk stops flowing will tell your body that you need more milk, those increasing your supply. 15 minutes should absolutely be the minimum pumping time.  

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